X Hair Lounge

Hair Salon

Demanding program in unit with limited space, combined with specific client requirements. Every piece of equipment is source of income, requiring careful approach and maximum utilization of space. Together with requirements of the shopping center – an open shop window with privacy provision & cover in form of free-stranding panels, created complicated conflict of interests. This conflict became our driving force, a solution and inspiration on this project.

Irregular intertwined lines scattered throughout the space, don’t only present visual identity of the store but also reminiscent different styles, trends & approach which are part of X hair testimonial.

Extremely masculine combination of X forms, shapes, colours and materials merging with natural elements (water, clouds, moss) is giving this space adequate look and feel. Special design of lightning shows four independent sources for each barber chairs. Position of other multiple lights sources in a way to provide high LUX level, but to avoid strong contrast shadows and direct glare in to customers face, makes a unique atmosphere.

X Hair Lounge